Friday, August 9, 2013

2013-2014 Classroom Tour

 View from the door

This is my carpet time with Daily 5 math board and shelf. 

My desk with the calendar. Notice the cute apple border:)

Accountable Talk board

"AR tree" with table and chair to use during Math by Myself. This tree should be full of leaves and apples by the end of the year. The students will get to add a leaf for every 100 they make on an AR test and an apple for every 10 pts they earn. I can't wait to see if grow. 

Here is my updated tree on September 26, 2013 with my first AR 10pt apple :) and many leaves

Science and Social Studies art table and showing off my apple curtains I made 

"Stop and Drop" shelf. This is where students turn in assignments, box tops, lunch money, and notes from home. The shelf also holds our head phones for computers, snacks for the end of the day, and notebooks for guidance and library. 

Daily 5 board with rotations, standards, and activities to do. 

Closer look at our rotations. 

This side of the board shows all the Daily 5 components with the activities listed beside.  

I use this white board for carpet time and I love it! The blue containers you see holds our community supplies. 

View of my math shelf. The drawers I use for Math Work Games (review games). On the Daily 5 math board for Math Work I will list the drawers they can get in. There is about 5 to 7 games in each drawer. They love to pick a game out to play with a partner. The little black boxes hold my flashcards. and the three shelves at the bottom hold supplies. 

This is my class tree. Each year my class adds a finger print leaf to represent that class. 

Partner math tray and the math kits. 

Math kits hold dice, counters, and number tiles. 


Reading Carpet

Small Group table 

Small Group table with matching slipcovers and table skirt

Homeworkopoly Board

Apple Passes

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